Good Corporate Governance
Articles of Association
Articles of Association are guidelines that contain work mechanisms, organizational structure, authorities and responsibilities which form the basis of PT Sarana Menara Nusantara in running the company's business
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee critically supports the Board of Commissioners' oversight function through its professional and independent advice and expertise, as well as through its efforts to identify and report matters that require the BoC’s attention. The Audit Committee reports and is directly accountable to the BoC.
The Company's Charter of Audit Committee are as follows.
Internal Audit
Internal control systems are vital in safeguarding and secure the Company’s operational activities. Internal Audit, through a systematic and organized approach, evaluates the Company’s internal control systems and the implementation of the Company’s operational activities. Internal Audit plays a critical role in the organization and provides suggestions for improvements.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
The nomination and remuneration function of the Company are currently being led by the Board of Commissioners.
Guidelines for the implementation of the nomination and remuneration function are as follows.
Corporate Advisors
Public Accountants
KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia
Tower 1, Lt. 14
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190
Securities Administration Bureau
PT Raya Saham Registra
Plaza Sentral Lantai 2
Jalan Jendral Sudirman Kav. 47
Jakarta 12930
PT Bank Permata Tbk
PermataBank Tower III, 14th Fl
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Blok B1/1,
Sektor VII-CBD, Pondok Aren, Tangerang 15224
Credit Rating Agency
PT Fitch Ratings Indonesia
DBS Bank Tower, 24th Floor, Suite 2403
Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav 3-5
Jakarta 12940, Indonesia
Summary Supplier Policy
In carrying out the Company's business activities, suppliers have an important role as providers of goods and/or services in the Company's overall supply chain. These suppliers are selected through a procurement process to manage the supply chain needs of the Company and its subsidiaries in the tower and non-tower business segments which include suppliers for construction materials, partners who carry out construction work and partners who assist the Company in carrying out maintenance in the field.
The Company believes that structured supplier selection can assist the Company in realizing sustainable procurement as well as ensuring transparency in a fair, professional and reliable manner and ensuring rigor in every procurement activity. To ensure these things, the Company has an internal policy that provides guidelines related to the Procurement Operational Process and Supplier Management Guidelines. This guideline regulates in detail the procurement process and supplier/working partner management process which consists of, among others, procurement methods and implementation guidelines, procurement savings, as well as supplier performance management and its performance parameters.
To select suppliers, at the initial stage the Company has certain requirements that must be informed by prospective suppliers, including information regarding:
- The prospective supplier's company, including its scope of work;
- Financial performance of the supplier;
- Working equipment owned by the supplier;
- For suppliers working on specific projects, work experience on previous similar projects;
- Supplier's capability and working capacity;
- Supplier's competence; and
- Workers and teams owned, including experts.
After the appointment, the Company also requires suppliers to sign a statement of compliance and integrity. Through this statement, the Company requires suppliers to commit to conducting their operational activities in accordance with the context of sustainability, including but not limited to:
- Social responsibility practices that cover ethical business aspects, including supplier compliance with anti-corruption, money laundering and bribery and gratuities provisions,
- Occupational health and safety management,
- Human resource development,
- Upholding the rights of workers and avoiding discrimination against workers and labor exploitation and complying with the prohibition of the use of underage labor, and
- Performing work by always considering environmental factors and climate change.
Below is the integrity pact document that suppliers are required to sign.