Signing of the Sixteenth Amendment to the Facility Agreement by Protelindo, Iforte, KIN, SUPR, BIT, QTR, GIK, VTS and IFEN dengan PT Bank Central Asia Tbk

Tower · Tuesday, 25 June 2024 07:00

To comply with the (i) OJK Regulation No. 31/POJK.04/2015 on Disclosure of Material Information or Facts by Issuers or Public Companies (“POJK 31”), (ii) the IDX Board of Directors Decree No. Kep-00066/BEI/09-2022, Amendment to Regulation No. I-E on Obligation to Submit Information, (iii) Financial Services Authority Rule No. 17/POJK.04/2020 Concerning Material Transactions And Alteration Of Business Activities (“POJK 17”) and (iv) Financial Services Authority Rule No.42/POJK.04/2020 concerning Affiliated Transactions and Conflict of Interest (“POJK 42”), we, PT Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk (the “Company”), hereby submit a Disclosure on Material Transaction as follows:

Name of the Issuer or Public Company


PT Sarana Menara Nusantara, Tbk.


Business activities


-  Management Consultancy Activities

-  Holding Company Activities

-  Construction of Central Communication



0291-431691 / 021-23585500

Alamat Surat Elektronik (e-mail)




Date of Occurrence

June 21, 2024


Parties to the Transaction

1.      PT Profesional Telekomunikasi Indonesia (“Protelindo”);

2.      PT Iforte Solusi Infotek (“Iforte”);

3.      PT Komet Infra Nusantara (“KIN”);

4.      PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk (“SUPR”);

5.      PT BIT Teknologi Nusantara (“BIT”);

6.      PT Quattro International (“QTR”);

7.      PT Global Indonesia Komunikatama (“GIK”);

8.      PT Varnion Technology Semesta (“VTS”);

9.      PT Iforte Energi Nusantara (“IFEN”); and

10.   PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk. (“BCA”), a banking institution. 


Object and Value of the Transaction

1. Object of Transaction:

 The execution of the Sixteenth Amendment to The Facility Agreement dated June 21, 2024 (“Facility Agreement”) between BCA as the lender and Protelindo, Iforte, KIN, SUPR, BIT, QTR, GIK, VTS and IFEN (all of which are consolidated subsidiaries of the Company) as borrowers (“Borrowers”).

2.  The following are the amended key terms and conditions under the Facility Agreement:

(a)  Adding IFEN as co-borrowers in the Facility Agreement for facility B Money Market Line;

(b) Extend the availability period of Facility K from June 21, 2024 until June 30, 2024;

(c)  Borrowers have agreed to be jointly and severally liable for the performance of all obligations under the Facility Agreement.



Explanation, Considerations and Reasons for Material Transactions


The financing structure above will facilitate the Borrowers to get a preferable financing terms and conditions.



The affiliation relation of the parties conducting Material Transactions

1. Protelindo, a company whose 99.9997% shares are directly owned by the Company;

2. Iforte, a subsidiary company whose 99.99% shares are directly owned by the Protelindo;

3. KIN, a subsidiary company whose 99.99% shares are directly owned by the Protelindo;

4. SUPR, a subsidiary company whose 99.96% shares are directly owned by the Protelindo;

5.  BIT, a subsidiary company whose 100% shares are indirectly owned by the Protelindo through Iforte and KIN;

6. QTR, a subsidiary company whose 99.99% shares are directly owned by the Iforte;

7.  GIK, a subsidiary company whose 99,99% shares are directly owned by the SUPR;

8.  VTS, a subsidiary company whose 60% shares are owned by Iforte;

9.  IFEN a subsidiary company whose 99,89% shares are owned by Iforte; dan/and

10. BCA, is a banking institution.


The impact of such event, information or material facts towards operational activities, legal, financial condition, or business continuity of the Issuer or Public Company

The disclosed information or material facts do not have a negative material impact to the operational, legal, financial condition or continuity of the Company's business.



Other information

1. The value of the Facility Agreement is deemed as a material transaction as referred to in POJK 17, i.e.  more than 20% of the Company's equity, based on the Company's audited Financial Statement as of December 31, 2023. However, the Facility Agreement is a material transaction that is exempted because the loan transaction received directly from the bank as referred to in Article 11 letter (b) of POJK 17.

2.  Transaction is an affiliated transaction as referred to:  

(i)  Clause 6 section (1) letter (d) of POJK 42, i.e. a loan received directly from bank; and/or

(ii)  Clause 6 section (1) letter (e) of POJK 42, i.e. a corporate guarantee provided to bank in relation to the loan agreement granted to the Issuer or its subsidiaries.

3. The Transaction is not a conflict-of-interest transaction of the Company as referred to in POJK 42.

The Board of Commissioners and Directors of the Company hereby declares that:

  1. The Transaction is not a conflict-of-interest transaction of the Company as referred to POJK 42.
  2. This Disclosure contains material information which is true and not misleading.

According to Clause 8 of POJK 31, this Disclosure is also made to comply with provision under POJK 31.

Thus we convey the above information and explanation.

PT Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk